Energy Superheroes Art Contest
The art contest is open to children in kindergarten to 8th grade. Categories: K–2, 3–5, 6–8 grades.
Artwork should be completed on an 11- x 14-inch or smaller sheet of white paper. Entries will be judged on creativity and overall artistic ability according to your age category. Winners will be announced and published in our May issue of Ohio Cooperative Living magazine.
Include: name, grade, parent’s name(s), Pioneer account number, city, and phone number on the back of the submission. Entries will not be returned. Winners of each category will receive a $25 Walmart gift card, with an overall winner receiving a $50 gift card.
One entry per person; entrants must be the son or daughter of a Pioneer member.
Return your entry to our Urbana or Piqua office or mail to:
c/o Art Contest
344 West U.S. Route 36,
Piqua, Ohio 45356
Please do not fold entries.