Energy efficiency and finding ways to reduce consumption, especially during peak usage times, are very important in calculating future electric rates and capacity requirements. So much so that we are participating in the Cool Returns energy management program offered by Buckeye Power. Eligible residential participants will contribute to saving energy and receive a one-time $100 credit on their bill.
Over the past 20 years, the percentage of homes with air conditioning has nearly doubled for Ohio’s electric cooperatives. This means more electricity is needed during the summer, which can create times of high demand. Electric companies must provide enough electricity for these times. But at what cost? The Cool Returns program helps control demand and future energy prices – but only if you participate.
This energy management program allows you to help reduce energy use when demand for energy is at its highest, generally on extremely hot and humid summer days. Brief, periodic cycling of the central air conditioning system can reduce the demand for electricity during this time. And that can help keep your energy costs down.
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